
êoko is a social engagement company that helps organizations by making their users feel more connected through low key hangouts and events.

Their app facilitates this by letting users share what they are doing and invite friends in their workplace, incubator, school, or building.

êoko contracted me to help them meet an important pitch deadline to 5 potential clients.

Design Triage

In addition to extra development time, I also was in charge of helping the existing team organize themselves to properly triage the remaining features needed on the project.

We worked with their design intern to develop new UI for the remaining feature sets that needed to be demoed, while also deciding what plans to shelve for the future in order to hit the deadline.

Project Header

After the first of two weeklong sprints the project started coming together, despite some inefficiencies in our workflow.

Thankfully, this was budgeted for and we were able to not only properly QA the app before the demo, but we also were able to add some last minute changes to the UI in the web admin dashboard to make the experience more consistent across platforms.

On the last day of development, I also accompanied the team to aid them in their first client demo for that version of the product. Thankfully, it went off without a hitch — no on-site support was needed from me, and we received very enthusiastic feedback.